The Attraction Of .Net Framework In Software Development Outsourcing Services

Aegona Software
2 min readDec 1, 2020

Nowadays, since software development outsourcing has been dynamically exploding, there are countless novel technologies and programming languages developed to ensure the effective satisfaction and optimization of the fast and time-saving processes for high-qualified information technology, which potentially threads to replace former programming languages. However, there are still many seniors not only popular but also developed and widely applied in countless aspects of the modern world, including .NET Framework.

Let’s have an overview to understand more about the attraction of this framework to global software developers.

.NET At First Sight

Source: Your Reputations Consulting

Nearly 9 years ago, at the beginning of 2002, Microsoft first released their .NET Framework, a programming platform and also an application execution platform primarily on the Microsoft Windows operating system. Programs written on .NET Framework are deployed in a software environment (as opposed to a hardware environment) known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR). This software environment is a virtual machine that provides services such as software security, memory management, and exception handling.

.NET framework includes a large set of programming libraries which support the construction of software programs such as programming interfaces; access and connects to the database; web application; algorithms and data structures; network communication, etc. Additionally, CLR together with this library is two main components of the .NET framework.

.NET framework simplifies writing applications by providing a variety of pre-designed components, programmers only need to learn how to use and, depending on creativity, bind those components together. Countless tools are created to support building .NET applications, and the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is developed and supported by Microsoft itself with Visual Studio.

Application Models Of .NET Platform

Source: Medium

With the dedicated support from .NET, you are able to build many types of apps. Some are cross-platform, and some target a specific OS or .NET implementation:


Build web apps and services for macOS, Windows, Linux, and Docker.


Use a single codebase to build native mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows.


Create beautiful and compelling desktop apps for Windows and macOS.


Create independently deployable microservices that run on Docker containers.

Game Development

Develop 2D and 3D games for the most popular desktops, phones, and consoles.

Machine Learning

Add vision algorithms, speech processing, predictive models, and more to your apps.


Consume existing cloud services, or create and deploy your own.

Internet of Things

Make IoT apps, with native support for the Raspberry Pi and other single-board computers.



Aegona Software

A Vietnamese-based IT Service Company providing high-qualified and cost-effective Software Development with Offshoring & Outsourcing solutions for Global Market