Ways to Effectively Find and Hire Software Development Teams

Every modern enterprise has their own direct or indirect technology-related projects boosting and optimizing the benefit of not only the business themselves but also stakeholders, however, finding the fight to successfully hire top talented software development teams has never been easy for any organization.

Aegona Software
4 min readNov 20, 2020

The Fight To Hire Professional Software Development Teams Becomes The Most Fierce Than Ever

Thanks to the development of 4.0 Technology, there is no border limitation for international business anymore, the only thing an enterprise need is a professional website, mobile application, or any essential software that can support to spread and increase the brand image of the organization. According to the U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics “employment of software developers is projected to grow 22 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. Software developers will be needed to respond to an increased demand for computer software”, which positively brings various opportunities to outstanding software developers.

However, also, the statistics raise a huge challenge in both the quality and quantity of software development teams when thousands of enterprises in demand of developing their system, will IT Human Resources be available for all organizations to have their suitably highest-qualified software engineers and developers?

Opened Sources To Effectively Find And Hire Software Development Teams

Obviously, under this circumstance, Offshore Teams or Outsourcing Software Development Company become one of the most attractive pieces of cake for supporting the business with outstanding projects. So, how can an enterprise look for reliable information about offshoring or outsourcing software companies or freelancers to hire software development teams? Let’s have a look at some research results:

  1. Google:

With the non-stoppable popularity of this search engine, it obviously places the first rank for the easiest way to do research and hire software development teams. However, due to the high load of information that research skills are required to have the most effective results and save time with Google.

Source: Google.com

Moreover, you can try to conduct the research in other search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Baidu, etc. so as to diversify your results thanks to the difference SEO policies.

2. B2B Portals:

Famous B2B Portals such as Clutch B2B Rating and Review, are the ideal ways for organizations to look for IT service and software company to hire software development teams. Especially, the portal provides you with useful information about company profile such as the market segmentation, competencies, review, contact, etc. that you can extendedly confirm your target partners in a reliable way.

Source: medium.com

3. Freelance workplaces:

Wonderful! Various freelancer platforms such as UpWork, Glassdoor, Workana, etc., are a good place for every developer and engineer to show their professional software development abilities to bid for the projects. With this kind of network, there is an abundance of software developers in all languages as well as professional levels depending on your actual demand. However, everything has both sides, there are some disadvantages related to project management, quality control, etc., also.

Source: Glassdoor.com

4. LinkedIn Network:

It will be flawed if we ignore one of today’s most professional social networks like LinkedIn, where headhunter and candidates in need can interact via numerous ways such as direct search, jobs, group engagement, suggested connections, message, etc. Although this tool is primarily for recruiters in the first place, it is possible to do some research to hire your own offshore or outsourcing software development teams.

Source: Linkedin.com

5. Ask the Community:

Thanks to the development of online social networks, Quora, Slant, Wortherendum, for instance, that all of your questions or consideration can be supported by the community of experts and professionals all around the world. Obviously, there are various opportunities for you to not only have a look and hire software development teams but also boost the professional image of your organization in terms of power, knowledge, and abilities to attract talents.

Source: Quora.com


In a nutshell, with some simple keywords such as “hire software development teams”, “outsourcing software company”, etc., there are billions of suggestions about the best partners for you to consider. The only essentially remaining thing is the way to effectively process and handle the research data so as to well meet our recruitment demand, which requires your practical experience and skills.

Source: Relevant Software



Aegona Software
Aegona Software

Written by Aegona Software

A Vietnamese-based IT Service Company providing high-qualified and cost-effective Software Development with Offshoring & Outsourcing solutions for Global Market

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